Sorry gfriend, I think writing Javascript is too tedious for me.
Instead of summarizing what I have learned, I prefer to share the notes I made.
Courses took in my first semester (HKUST)
- (Honor) Basic C++, OOP and data structure WITH LECTURE NOTE in one semester (note only contain the latter part)
- Multivariable Calculus with lecture note(COMPLEMENT)
- Probability and random variables (adapted form STAT110 Harvard)
- Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics
- linear algebra
- Algorithm
- Machine learning
- Honors algorithm, HKUST
- Bonds, stock Portfolio Theory, CML & CAPM model, Utility Optimization
- Life Contingencies Models and Insurance Risk
- derivative pricing and financial risk management
- regression analysis
- game theory
Courses studying in this semester:
Yeah! end of semester! will upload the note later